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Q: What's different about Liberty Christian School?

A: Many things set LCS apart.

  • LCS uses A.C.E. curriculum which allows for individualized education. Students’ education is tailored to their unique makeup. If your child is strong in science, they can progress without having to ‘wait around’ for the rest of the class. If they struggle with maths, they won’t be ‘left behind’ by the class. A.C.E. requires that students master the core concepts of each unit before they move on. This greatly increases knowledge acquisition and student confidence. 

  • LCS enjoys a small school environment. This allows for real, deep and lasting friendships; your child will not be lost in a sea of anonymity. This small size also allows for unique opportunities for the students at LCS. For example, this website was created and is maintained by students (under supervision of school staff). 

  • LCS believes in whole student learning. The goal of education at LCS is to educate the whole child, encouraging in each child their strengths and what makes them 'them', while working on their particular weaknesses. Your child will not be pressed into a one-size-fits-all mold, but will be genuinely cared for as the unique individual they are.

  • LCS uses character-building curriculum to grow their hearts along with their minds.

  • LCS is a safe place for your child to grow. Staff and students maintain the family environment and help each other toward better behavior and goals. Bullying and yelling are not part of the LCS experience.

Q: Will my child be able to go to university if he/she attends Liberty Christian School?


A: Yes. Advanced Certificate students at LCS are accepted in all Irish and international universities.​ LCS has had many graduates go on to universities such as University of Limerick and University College Dublin. The Advanced Certificate of the ICCE programme is an equivalent to the honours Leaving Certificate or British A-Levels.

Q: Does my child have to be a Christian to attend Liberty Christian School?

A: Each student and their parents must agree to abide by the ethos of the school. Attendance at any particular house of worship is not required, but all teaching is approached from a Biblical perspective. Our character building program includes 60 character traits of Jesus. We don’t indoctrinate; the goal is to produce Christ-like character in each student. See the Student and Parent Handbook for more information about the school's expectations and requirements.

Q: How much does it cost?

A: Although LCS is a fee-paying school, the costs are kept very low. The tuition rate for the 2024-2025 school year is €220 per month for ten months. The fees for supplies (including all necessary materials for school) are €300 per student for primary and €350 per secondary student. There are no additional book or supplies fees. Because of standard inflation, there will be a possible annual 5% increase. See the Student and Parent Handbook for more information.

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