Our School
Our Founding Principal
It is with great sadness we announce that, on 25th October 2023, our beloved founding Principal, Dorothy Hall, went home to be with the Lord. Ms. Dorothy, as she was known to us in the school, worked, for many years in Christian Education and was a gifted teacher, with a strong vision for capturing the hearts and minds of children. She strongly believed and lived the principle, ‘Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.’ Part of the vision given to Ms. Dorothy, by the Lord, when founding Limerick Christian Centre, was to have a Christian school, where all children
would be welcomed and taught in an environment of love, prayer and godly discipline. Ms. Dorothy passionately believed that each child is a gift from God with unique gifts which are to be nurtured and used to bring glory to our Heavenly Father. With the support of the Board of Limerick Christian Centre and Liberty Christian Church, the school was founded in 2004. We are very thankful for Ms. Dorothy’s walk with the Lord and the legacy she has left us. She will be sadly missed and remembered, with great love. by all students and staff of Liberty Christian School, past and present. While we are sad to lose this
precious soul, we are blessed and comforted to know that she is resting in the arms of the God, whom she served so long and so faithfully.